Photo by Clemno

Activism And Extinction Rebellion

Andrew Hall
3 min readSep 22, 2020


Here in the United States of America many of us are caught up in the Shakespearean drama (or perhaps tragedy) that is the 2020 Presidential election. I am one of those souls caught in the maelstrom. Every day Monday-Friday from 9 am-10 am Eastern I cohost the Daily Atheist Morning Show. In the past weeks we seem to be talking more about politics than godlessness. Recent topics we discussed include Qanon, the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the movie Cuties.

Of course here in the States, it’s difficult to disentangle faith and politics because faith has made politics its business. The toxic axis of Oligarchy-Faith makes it difficult to talk about one without the other. And while many things can be said to be innate characteristics of the Oligarchal-Faith Frankenstein, one trait of the beast stands above all others — the Monster is here to make most of our lives miserable.

Misery is the coin of the would-be post-industrialized theocrats of the USA. Misery makes the electorate less likely to think clearly and understand what’s in their own interests. Peer-reviewed studies show the positive correlation between how the more miserable citizens are in a society, the more likely they are to be religious. Our elites have an incentive to turn the nation into a third world country because it’s that much easier to control the population and rob us all blind.



Andrew Hall

I’m a comedy writer, podcaster, YouTuber, and activist. Millions have read my material and laughed. Support my work on Patreon: